10 min
How to improve employee engagement (Updated 2025)

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Writer, Culture Amp
Every one-on-one meeting you have with an employee has so much potential. You can discuss current projects, stay up-to-date on blockers, discuss professional development opportunities, and more. But 30 minutes is a small window to cover all these topics. You need the right shared agenda and one-on-one meeting template to stay on-task, hold yourself accountable, and make the most of your time with your employee.
As a manager, 50% of the meeting’s success rides on you. To help you nail your part, we’ve compiled this quick guide explaining why one-on-ones are important and what to cover in these important conversations. We also share a detailed, science-backed one-on-one meeting template you can use to lead effective conversations with your direct reports.
One-on-one meetings (also known as 1-on-1s) are recurring meetings between managers and their direct report that ideally go beyond simple status updates or performance conversations. Done right, these meetings improve employee-manager alignment while also supporting employee productivity, motivation, and growth.
These conversations will be most successful if managers and employees create and use a shared agenda to guide their discussion. Ensuring your one-on-ones have a clear structure will help you maximize your limited time together and ensure your employee gets the support they need to thrive in their role.
1-on-1 meetings should cover more than just status updates. Here are a few other topics you’ll want to make space for in your meeting agendas, as well as a few questions you can ask your employee around these topics:
If that seems like a lot of material to fit into a quick 1-on-1, don’t worry. You don’t have to cover every topic mentioned above in every meeting. Every conversation will vary depending on what’s top of mind for you and your employee during a given week.
There’s a lot to get through in a weekly 1-on-1, so here’s a simple four-step process you can follow to make the best use of the time you and your employee spend together. Follow this one-on-one meeting template to keep your meetings on-task and productive:
At the beginning of every meeting, make time to chat casually with your employee. This sets the tone for the meeting and helps you get to know your direct report more personally. You might choose to ask them about their weekend, an upcoming vacation, or even a passion project outside of work – anything that gets them to open up and feel more at ease before you dive into the rest of your meeting.
1-on-1 meetings aim to be mutually beneficial to both you and your employees. Creating a shared agenda allows employees to take joint ownership of the meeting and ensure they get what they need from your conversations.
Some businesses use a one-on-one meeting solution, like Culture Amp 1-on-1 meetings, to create and store shared agendas, but a Google Doc or email can work too. Just be sure to drop your items into the agenda (and remind your employee to do the same) ahead of time so you can jump right in during your meeting.
Once you’ve addressed everything on your joint agenda, ask your employee any lingering questions you may have. This could be anything from how they feel to requesting more detailed updates on their current projects.
Here are a few examples of things you might want to ask, but feel free to check out our list of great one-on-one meeting questions for even more ideas:
While 1-on-1s are often fairly quick meetings, you’ll be surprised by how much you can discuss in such a short amount of time. Take detailed notes during or immediately following your meeting to capture the breadth of your discussions and keep track of any action items that may have popped up during your conversation. Culture Amp 1-on-1s even has a section for shared notes so you can clearly outline the next steps and items to discuss in the future, helping hold both you and your employee accountable.
A few things to keep in mind when conducting your next 1-on-1:
Culture Amp’s 1-on-1 conversations tool mirrors the one-on-one meeting template we shared above. The tool is built to drive performance, productivity, and engagement by helping managers and employees talk honestly about things that impact their work.
To promote these healthy and effective conversations, the Culture Amp 1-on-1 conversations tool includes:
While these features are designed to simplify your job, that's not their only benefit. They also help make joint meeting ownership more seamless, encourage employees to self-reflect, empower you to be a better coach, and allow you to have real (and sometimes difficult) conversations. These features reveal what’s beneath the surface, letting you go beyond status updates to unearth the deeper topics and insights you need to be an effective leader.